Compressed Non Asbestos Gaskets

Durlon 8300 Gaskets Durlon 8300 is made from high strength-carbon and nitrile synthetic rubber and is a gasket material that is designed to handle the extremes of temperature and pressure. Durlon 8400 Gaskets Durlon 8400 gasket material has a very wide range of uses. It can be used in process piping and equipment, chemical and pulp & paper applications. It has a wide pH application range. Durlon 8500 Gaskets Durlon 8500 is a multi-purpose gasket material that is excellent in steam, natural gas, soybean processing, water, oils, and many other liquids and gases. Durlon 8600 Gaskets Durlon 8600 gasket material exhibits good compressibility and recovery, flexibility and cutting characteristics. Durlon 8700 Gaskets Durlon 8700 has excellent resistance to ozone, oils, non-aromatic solvents and many refrigerants. Composed of Aramind/Inorganic fibers and a Neoprene binder, this is a high performance gasket material. DuraSwell 7760 Gasket DuraSwell 7760 is a superior sealing solution and gasket material. It is great for contact with oils, & fuels and is designed to swell when in contact with fuel & oil. Durlon 7910 Durlon 7910 is a NSF-61 certified gasket material, and suitable for potable water. Resistant to steam, chemicals, hydrocarbons... Durlon 8900 Durlon 8900 is a premium grade gasket material. It is suitable for superheated & saturated steam, oil, diluted acids & alkalis.

Durlon® Gasket products range from economic options to premium grades. Offering a wide range of compressed non-asbestos, PTFE, and flexible graphite gasket products including Compressed Non-Asbestos, PTFE, and Flexible Graphite Sheet Gasketing, Semi-Metallic Gaskets and finished Gaskets (Durlon® CFG, Durlon® RCA, Durlon® Durtec®).

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